"Dear Gina,
I just want to thank you for what we all think was a highly professional and caring training session for our dogs and for us as well. The experience went way beyond what I had imagined this might be like and I really appreciate you and your team very much."
-Kris Tompkins
"Hi Gina,
The session yesterday was absolutely fantastic and it’s the best rattlesnake training I’ve ever experienced. Thank you very much for coming and spending so much time with the dogs and I know my Layla will remember every minute of it. She’s going to be careful now and I know what to look for in her behavior. Thank you again. I will refer you to anyone looking for rattlesnake help or dog training."
-Pam Murphy
Since all animals including dogs tend to be situational learners it is ideal to do their training where they are in danger of meeting rattlesnakes… anywhere they frequent such as your own property or a favorite local trail or park that you visit regularly or even where you might board your horses. I want to mention that although the public classes are extremely effective (as you can see by all the testimonials on my website) when we come to your selected location, we are not only able to help teach your dogs to avoid the sight, sound or scent of rattlesnakes anywhere they encounter one but among the added benefits of a private session is creating 'awareness' in that environment, not just avoidance.
After receiving this training at your selected location your dog will naturally become more cautious there. We do this by educating your dog (and you as well!) in which specific areas they should outright avoid…. To achieve this some of our stations may be placed in or near areas such as junk or woodpiles, in the orchard, the area behind the shed or around the planters or ground cover, under the porch or raised foundation and other locations around your property where our expert determines rattlesnakes are most likely to be found.
More benefits of having the training done at your home or ranch:
And finally, your dog(s) receive a diploma and an extra special treat for all their hard work, and if you like we can even do a quick graduation photo session with the dogs and family complete with props such as grad caps, signs and diploma, etc. (*see photos below)
Contact Us to book a private session!